More than ten years of dedication in the promotion of positive values, communicating the universal language of music, inspired the volunteering association from Arezzo Orchestra Multietnica di Arezzo to find new artistic contexts and new formulas to continue supporting their own artistic and human path.
That way Officine Social Movie was born, a new project creted by the multiannual experience of the cooperative Officine della Cultura inspiration and production since always of the project OMA and of Arci Nuova Associazione and with the company of a young, enthusiastic and unexpected partner: students from Liceo Artistico Coreutico Scientifico Internazionale “Piero della Francesca” annesso al Convitto Nazionale “Vittorio Emanuele II” di Arezzo, encouraged to be protagonists of the festival to contribute to the ” growth of a spread cultural sensibility, in order to a multiculural society cohesive in the transmission of the value of solidarity, welcoming, integration and civil commitment “as it can be read on the call of Officiine Social Movie. At their side also Poti Pictures and Prodigio Divino.
The whole thing thanks to the contribution of the Bando Giovani protagonisti per le comunità locali 2019 of the Cesvot funded with the support of Regione Toscana – Giovanisì according to the Dipartimento della Gioventù e del Servizio Civile Nazionale, with the participation and financing of the Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena and with the support of Fondazione CR Firenze.
artistic direction
Luca Baldini
Michele Squillace
artistic direction assistance
Alba Cacchioni
general management
Massimo Ferri
organizational management
Stefania Sandroni
Mariel Tahiraj
Sabina Karimova
press office
Gianni Micheli
social media manager
Sabina Karimova
Rossana Zurlì
Chiara Bigiarini